5-Month One-on-One Apprentice Package


Have you ever wanted to learn magick in private? To be able to learn how to cast spells and perform rituals without being in a group setting or class? Are you a private person who would rather no one else know your business? Then this is a fantastic way for you to get the fundamentals of everything about magick down in your private setting. I am offering this one on one apprentice program to take you under my wing and teach you from the ground up. Each month for 5 months, we will have 4 one hour sessions over the phone to discuss everything you want to know in the dark arts. I will teach you the basics, oils, herbs, color meanings, planetary meanings, sigils, seals, evocations, spirits, how to cast spells, raising your energy, projecting your energy, working with spirits and so much more. I also will be LIVE with you during your spell castings and rituals to oversee how you are casting. This package also includes life coaching, spiritual coaching. Also, if you need a tarot reading done, that is included. I will not be casting any spells for you in this program but rather instructing YOU to do it as this is why you are here with me, growing and learning. Get ready…..(Note: for more of a savings, the 12 month program is available)


Have you ever wanted to learn magick in private? To be able to learn how to cast spells and perform rituals without being in a group setting or class? Are you a private person who would rather no one else know your business? Then this is a fantastic way for you to get the fundamentals of everything about magick down in your private setting. I am offering this one on one apprentice program to take you under my wing and teach you from the ground up. Each month for 5 months, we will have 4 one hour sessions over the phone to discuss everything you want to know in the dark arts. I will teach you the basics, oils, herbs, color meanings, planetary meanings, sigils, seals, evocations, spirits, how to cast spells, raising your energy, projecting your energy, working with spirits and so much more. I also will be LIVE with you during your spell castings and rituals to oversee how you are casting. This package also includes life coaching, spiritual coaching. Also, if you need a tarot reading done, that is included. I will not be casting any spells for you in this program but rather instructing YOU to do it as this is why you are here with me, growing and learning. Get ready…..(Note: for more of a savings, the 12 month program is available)


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